Donate to the Foundation

You can now make a donation to the Gwyn Arch Foundation directly from your online banking account. This could be a one-off donation, or you could set up a regular monthly Standing Order to give a chosen amount each month.
If you would like to donate, please send us an email to and we will send you our bank details & further information. 

In future, we plan to set up an online donation portal, where you will be able to donate directly from the website, securely and easily.

We are also delighted to confirm that we are now a Registered Charity - no.1201966. This is great news, as it opens the door to us for future funding opportunities, and also means we will be able to register for Gift Aid (making UK taxpayers’ donations go further, at no extra cost to you). Our Gift Aid registration is in process, and while we can’t yet apply Gift Aid to your donations, we will update you soon on that front once our registration is complete. Watch this space!