Applying for a grant from the Foundation

We are delighted to announce that applications for grant funding from the Gwyn Arch Foundation are now open!


How to apply
The trustees meet twice a year to discuss applications for funding from the Gwyn Arch Foundation. These meetings take place in June and November, so applications should reach trustees (via the website or by email to by 31 May for consideration in June, or by 31 October for consideration in November. We aim to make grants available to successful applicants within two weeks of decisions being made.

Please download the application form (Word or PDF versions) and complete the questions so that we can learn more about your application and understand how you want to use the funding. As a reminder, the Gwyn Arch Foundation's purpose is: "To support the development and performance of choral music by and for young people within the Thames Valley." Once you have completed the form you can email it to us at the address above.

If you are having trouble filling in the forms electronically, please set out your application in your own document, using the questions from the form, and submit it by email. 

Thankyou - and we look forward to receiving your application soon.

Application Form (Word version) - will open in your Downloads folder
Application Form (PDF version) - some browsers will open this directly, but check your Downloads folder